These are from the Betty Crocker Website and were a big hit when I made them for a Samhain/Halloween Party two years ago. I found them on WITCHY WISDOM.

32 Hershey's Kisses Milk Chocolates, unwrapped
1 Package (11 1/2 ounces) Fudge-striped Shortbread Cookies (32)
1 Tube (4.25 ounces) Orange or Red Decorating Icing
Attach one Chocolate Candy to the Chocolate bottom of each Cookie, using Decorating Icing. Pipe Decorating Icing around base of Milk Chocolate Candy.

32 Hershey's Kisses Milk Chocolates, unwrapped
1 Package (11 1/2 ounces) Fudge-striped Shortbread Cookies (32)
1 Tube (4.25 ounces) Orange or Red Decorating Icing
Attach one Chocolate Candy to the Chocolate bottom of each Cookie, using Decorating Icing. Pipe Decorating Icing around base of Milk Chocolate Candy.
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